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Als wir an unserem ankunftstag durch die Straßen von da lat liefen und überlegten wie wir denn am besten die Gegend erkunden könnten, sprach uns hung unvermittelt auf der Straße an. Da er einen freundlichen Eindruck macht und wir ohnehin nichts vorhatten, haben wir uns einfach mal angehört, was er so anzubieten hat. Nach einem kurzen unaufdringlichen Gespräch entschieden wir uns, so eine Easy Rider Tour (als motorradneulinge) in einem 1-Tagestrip rund um da lat einfach mal auszuprobieren. Am nächsten Tag erkundeten wir also mit ging und seinem Kollegen Bin die Gegend und sagen sowohl die touristischen Attraktionen als auch schöne Landschaften abseits der üblichen touristenpfade. Die beiden führen sehr angenehm und vorsichtig sodass wir uns stets sicher fühlten und hielten nach Wunsch jederzeit an um ein paar Fotos zu machen. Weil uns die Art des Reisens und die sympathische Art der beiden so gut gefallen hat, entschieden wir uns kurzerhand einen zweitagestrip nach Mui ne dranzuhängen. Auch über diese Entscheidung sind wir rückbetrachtet sehr froh und haben so viele schöne Landschaften sowie Einblicke in das ländliche Leben bekommen, die wir auf anderem Wege nie bekommen hätten. Auch das Essen, das ging ausgewählt hat war stets gut und günstig. Alles in allem also eine wunderbare vorgefertigte Tour die man nach Belieben abändern kann und während der man sich sorglos treiben lassen kann. Thank you very much for These amazing days hung and bin!

Jaspar und nicole

Meine Freundin und ich waren das erste Mal auf Motorrädern unterwegs. Unsere Reise dauerte 3 Tage von Dalat nach Mui Ne. Wir sind völlig überwältigt von der Schönheit des Landes. Hoan war ein sehr professioneller Guide, der uns die Kultur näher gebracht und uns eine schöne Zeit beschert hat. Er spricht sehr gut Englisch, was die Kommunikation sehr angenehm gemacht hat. Wir haben dank kurzer Zwischenstopps viele Plantagen gesehen (Kaffee, Tee, Pfeffer, Curry, Drachenfrucht, Banane, Cashew, Avocado, Passionsfrucht, Papaya, Jackfrucht, Reis, Gummibaum, Pilze, Blumen...). Außerdem standen Wasserfälle, eine Seidenfabrik, Pagoden und eine Elefantentour auf dem ist kaum zu glauben wieviel man innerhalb so kurzer Zeit erleben kann! Ich empfehle dieses Highlight jedem, der fernab von Touristenmassen das "echte" Vietnam kennenlernen und erleben möchte. Das nächste Mal werden wir eine längere Reise buchen. Danke vielmals für die unvergässlichen Momente, Hoan! Hoan, my friend. Thanks for the great time and experience. You are a great person and teacher and so passionate about your country. That's amazing! I will keep Vietnam in best memories. Some day we will definitely come back. All the best for you!

Anita & Saskia

From Hoi An to Dalat, 5 days, 4 nights - what a great experience to see real Vietnam! Beautiful landscapes and sights, great local Food, see how local People live and almost no other tourists. And all this with two great guides (Loi & Bing). Vietnams traffic and streets are different from Europe, but both drivers drove safe and careful. Thank you for this fantastic Trip.

Thomas & Erhard

Na aankomst in Da Lat werd ik aangesproken door Mui van de easyriders Da Lat, hij heeft mij uitgelegd dat vietnam zien vanaf een motor iets totaal verschillends is dan vanuit een touringcar, hij liet mij een aantal recenties lezen van nederlanders die reeds met hem waren mee gegaan. Ik had totaal niet het voornemen om met mijn 130 kg schoon aan de haak achter op een motor te kruipen maar Mui wist mij toch zover te krijgen dat ik een dagtour bij hem heb geboekt, de dag was werkelijk fantastisch, je komt op plaatsen waar je anders nooit zou komen en ik heb landschappen gezien die ik anders nooit gezien zou hebben. mr Mui is ook een zeer sympatieke man die overal een verhaal bij heeft. Ik kan mr Mui en de easyriders in het algemeen dan ook van harte aanbevelen.


Arriving in Dalat, I wasn't expecting to leave the town within the first 30 minutes of getting to my hotel but Mr Wing's three day bike tour to Nha Trang seemed like a pretty good idea. In fact, taking the three day tour has been one of the best travel decisions I have ever made. I have just spent the most fantastic couple of days and would do it again anytime! Mr Wing was such a well-informed guide with an answer to every question about Vietnam I could think of. I have learnt more about Vietnam in three days than I would have in three weeks! Wing was great company, we shared some excellent meals and had some good chats. He has also been a very considerate driver (with regular leg-stretch and photo stops), throwing in some adventure here and there (including a half day on dirt roads through pretty remote minority villages). I feel extremely lucky to have found such a great tour guide and I will be recommending him to anyone I know heading to Vietnam. The three day trip (with Mr Wing or Easy Riders in general) is a MUST DO if you feel like getting off the beaten track. Wing: 0918564124

Margot Eliason

I have just arrived in Quy Nhon after a 4 day moto trip via Dalat, Lak, Buon Ma Thuot and Kon Tom with Mr Nghiep. After enjoying his company thoroughly I actually extended my trip with him. There are so many reasons for choosing an easy Rider tour as opposed to seeing Vietnam any other way and even though I have lived in Saigon for over 2years but I learned more about cultural Vietnam during this ride! Always safe, courteous, professional and thoughtful, I can actively recommend Mr Nghiep...If you are a traveller who likes to choose the path less taken, wants to learn, see beautiful landscape, hear the stories behind what you see and have much fun along the way, then get in touch with Easy Riders!


my boyfriend and me (22 years old)just came back from a 3 day trip from dalat to natrang. The trip was worth every penny. Mr.wing and Mr.bin are great guids.They showed us arround the prettiest places in Vietnam. Places where it is hard to reach without viatnamise speaking guids. the trip is very recommended!


October 2012 Just do it - that's all you need to know! Tu is a wonderful guy, a safe driver and a really knowledge guide. Just don't talk to him while eating ;0) And to everybody in Denmark: Hvis du gerne vil opleve den hemmelige ananasplantage lige udenfor BMT, hvor den fattige plantageejeren netdater en pige fra Sydvietnam, eller vil høre om hvordan det går den nygifte søn fra Jun Village så skal du tage en tur med Tu - bedre guide fås ikke! Jeg tog, som ene pige, en 4 dags tur fra Dalat til Nha Trang, og det var helt vidunderligt. Tu ved alt om området, buddhismen og Vietnams historie. Han er en true gentlemen, en sikker chauffør og ved hvor man skal stoppe for at få de bedste billeder og oplevelser. Thanks for a great trip, Tu


Awesome way to experience Dalat's beautiful surroundings!!! We visited Dalat mainly because of the possibility to explore Dalat's beautiful surroundings on motorcycle. This company was strongly recommended by a friend and that’s why we headed straight towards Headquarters at 70 Phan Dinh Phung street . It’s one of the best tips (and trips) ever and was worth every penny! Mr. Hien himself, Mr. Mui & Mr. Rene took us to a lot of different, the most beautiful and interesting places in one day: elephant Waterfall, Crazy House, flower farms, coffee plantation, Silk factory, pagoda, minority village… We experienced the best of Dalat in one day. They were the best tour guides: let us took our time, answered all of your questions and more…. They accompanied us most of the time (even climbed the waterfall!) so they could provide us with very useful information and funfacts (on the spot) that we would not have known otherwise. We happily chatted, told jokes and they made us laugh, a lot!!!! Although none of us had ever been on a motorcycle before, just immediately it turned out to be the most relaxing way to visit everything we'd like to see! In other words: a reliable company and awesome guides.

Wendy de Pree

Hi, my boyfriend and I went on a 4D3N tour with the easy riders from Nha Trang to Bao Loc (where we then took a bus to Ho Chi Minh). It's difficult to put into words what an unbelievable experience this was but ill do my best. First and foremost the office was really accommodating in fixing an itinerary suitable for us. We then net our guides Mui and Michael who picked us up at the door of our hotel, looked after our bags for the 4 days, had great English, always willing to help in any way they could from providing wet gear when it rained to giving us valuable insights into Vietnam culture and history to making sure we always had full bellies at cheap local prices. We saw and experienced so many wonderful things it is hard to remember them all but ill try! We saw 3 breathtaking waterfalls, beautiful pagodas, spectacular views of little cities, valleys and countryside, met lots of minority families and saw all the different characteristics and practices that made their tribes unique from another, rode an elephant who was treated with super care through a fabulous lake, saw processes of silk making, coffee and flower plantations, rice noodles, green tea, brick making, vegetable farming, rice wine production, scarf making, rice harvesting in the Paddy fields, saw the Ho Chi Minh trail and war memorials, Cambodian border, latex being extracted from rubber trees, Dalat market, cable cars over Dalat and much much more. Michael and Mui were safe and responsible drivers and I never felt unsafe even though I had ever only been on a motorbike once before. We stayed in clean hotels with all you could ask for including tv, hot showers and most importantly provided a peaceful nights sleep after so much activity (trust me you will need this!). In addition M and M went out of their way by doing an extra 30km at the end of a tour to catch up with a bus that had already left Just so we would not have to wait 2 hrs for the next bus! They really could not have been more thoughtful, caring and knowledgeable about Vietnam an we are truly grateful to them both for providing us with an experience we will never forget and photos that will always bring back the wonderful memories of the trip. I would highly recommend the dalat easy riders and especially Michael and Mui! Thanks a mill!!


We were randomaly recommened to Mr.Hien and David Khoa by a mutural aquataince of ours in Dalat, Mr. Le-An. My girlfriend and I were not to sure if we wanted to do an easy rider trip because of all the "salesmen" all over Dalat. Let me first say, Mr. Hien and David are the real deal. We spoke with a couple of other "easy riders" before, and were tenative, but after spending a while with them in their office our mind was set. The only second thought we had was if it could fit into our budget. We originaly wanted to go all the way to Hoi-An, but after talking about budget and what we wanted to see, we decided to go for a 3 night 4 day trip to Nha Trang. The trip was more than we expected!!!!! Mr. Hien is the origial Easy rider, and although other bikers can ride the same roads, they CANNOT explain the history and have the stories he does about the areas he took us too. There is no comparison to the other "easy" rider trips and David and Mr. Hien. We discused the day before about what we wanted to see and where we wanted to go, and they knew exactly where to take us. Myself and my girlfriend were intrigued to learn more about the Hoi Chi Minh trail, vestiage around the boreder belt, and the culture of the aboriginal minority people. The food was fantastic and cheap, always changing and with a many opitions. We are so glad we decided to do the trip, and the only regret we have is that we didn't have more time to go further and learn more!!! We have been on other so called "authentic" trips in Thailand, but this was the REAL deal. The trip has honestly been the highlight of my last 2 months in South East Asia and I highly recommened it anyone who is going to visit the central highlands. They can change the trip according to your preference, and I highly recommened asking them a lot of questions about the history of the area, since they are so knowledgable and are edgar to talk with you. Once again, Thank you!!!! Contact him by email with any questions or concerns and they will respond asap DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS TOUR It's the real deal!!!! (By the way, they are extremly SAFE drivers!!!)

Frank N. Maddaloni

How can I convince you - within the text of the this recommendation - that you deserve the Dalat-easyriders? We as a family with two children of 9 and 12 took the 3day tour from Dalat to Na Thrang. You feel like a guest of the easyriders and the visiting sites. You will be stopping by all kinds of temples, waterfalls, domestic (like brewing ricewine, visiting a minority village) and professional activities (like woodcarving, silkfactory, flower and coffee plantation), not as one of the tourists out of a bus. You get information of the riders on the history, landscape, etc.. And through the one-on-one contact with the rider you will feel free to talk about nearly everything without feeling that you have to hurry to the next activity; it's your trip and pace. We took the trip with Thiet Chau, Nam, Paul Thranh and Lam and the best recommendation is; We would certainly do it again! Stijn, Karen, Bart & Linde van Boxmeer The Hague, the Nethlands

Stijn van Boxmeer

For Dutchies: Wij zijn met z'n tweeën drie weken in Vietnam geweest. Van die drie weken hebben we vijf dagen een easyridertour gedaan. Dat waren de vijf gaafste dagen van de hele reis. Je komt overal waar je ander niet komt. Zeker als je niet van drukke toeristische wachtrijen houdt. Supermooie plekken, het idiote verkeer, lokale kroegjes, lokaal voedsel (waar je niet ziek van wordt!) en dikke vrienden met de gids. Wij zijn rondgeleid door Mr. Mui, en hij heeft onze reis betekenis gegeven, wat een geweldige, vriendelijke, grappige, slimme man. Als ik de reis over zou doen zou ik direct naar Dalat reizen om weer een trip te doen. Aanradertje dus! For the rest: Book a tour, you definitely won't regret it. It's the best.

Jaap Mol

easyrider hab den trip am 24. (x-mas!) gemacht und es hat spaß gemacht & war interessant. der driver, mr. hong, fuhr zwar etwas "old school"/gentleman-like, dafür keinerlei machogetöse - ich glaube, er hat nicht einmal gehupt! außerdem ist der guide größtenteils auf meine wünsche eingegangen. sein englisch war etwas holprig, aber das meiste habe ich verstanden. besonders haben mir neben den standards (wasserfall, kaffeeplantage, seidenfabrik usw.) die kleineren, unspektakuläreren stopps und die erklärungen hierzu gefallen - straßen- oder granitarbeiterjobs bspw. insgesamt ein weiteres hightlight meines vietnam-trips. thanks a lot


Skvely zazitek. Stravili jsme tri dny na ceste z Dalat do Muy Ne s Mesi a Kevin. Kluci mluvi vyborne anglicky a ke kazdemu zajimavemu mistu poskytnou detailni komentar, jsou mily a ochotni. Vzali nas nejen na turisticka mista, ale i do mist, ktere by jsme tezko sami hledali. Za tri dny jsme toho videli opravdu hodne a jeden vecer jsme dokonce stravili u pribuznych v dome a slavili Tet. Stravovani bylo naprosro perfektni a kluci maji po ceste overene restaurace kde nepotkate turistu. Nejen, ze to jsou levna mista, ale hlavne gastronomicky vynikajici. Je fakt, ze za tri tydny ve Vietnamu jsem nemal lepsi Pho Bo nez na ceste, v miste, kam nas na nej vzali. Rozhodne doporucuji, stoji to za to.

Marek Rondik

Just finished a 3 day tour from Dalat to Nha Trang with Quy and Lan. We had an amazing time! We saw many sites including waterfalls, pagodas and various factories, all of which were well described by our knowledgable drivers. The whole ride was easy and relaxing for us and we could enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside. We ate in local Vietnamese restaurants where the food was fantastic and the people were lovely. Quy and Lan were very safe drivers who looked after us and made us laugh the whole way. We would recommend this tour to anyone who wants to experience the real Vietnam, this is the best choice we've made since arriving here and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Alice and Leila

Zuerst haben wir eine Tagestour rund um Dalat gemacht, eine sehr schöne und intersessante Fahrt. Mr.Phuc (Thomi und Nguyen Ngoc Sang haben sehr gut zu uns geschaut. Am nächsten Tag sind wir in 4 Tagen nach Mui ne gefahren. Es gibt nichts schöneres zwei super Fahrer die wissen von was sie erzählen, aufmerksam und zuvorkommend sind. Wir können die 2 nur weiterempfehlen. Das Essen, die Unterkünfte waren einwandfrei, obwohl wir zuerst nur drei Tage buchten und uns am Ersten Abend unterwegs entschieden einen Tag mehr zu machen, haben sie es sofort Organisiert und alles klappte bestens. Nochmals ein herzliches danke für alles, wir wünschen Euch weiterhin viele schöne und Unfallfreie Fahrten. Bruno Und Astrid Staub

Staub Bruno und Astrid

My wife and me were three days on the road with the easy riders Mr. Young and his friend Bang. They showed us a lot of the culture in the highlands of Vietnam you would never find on your own. Their driving is really save and they always take care on you where ever you are. The English they speak is very well and they told us a lot of interesting things about Vietnam for example how the local people live, things that happend in the war or how they grow the weasel coffee. We are really happy about doing the trips with them and we can absolutely recommend them. Many thanks to Mr. Young and his friend Bang again. Jessica & Manuel

Manuel & Jessica Kaumeier

My husband and I recently took a 6 day trip with Nam and Duong from Dalat to Hoi An. Neither of us had been on motorbikes before but we absolutely loved this first experience - the bikes were comfy and made driving through the beautiful countryside a really pleasurable journey. Nam and Duong were very passionate about Vietnam and we felt that we gained so much by having them as our guides. We ate in local restaurants and tried lots of delicious Vietnamese food. We gained a true insight into the daily lives of local people and everything was organised perfectly. Our highlights from the trip included: visiting a Banar ethnic minority village during a celebration and being invited to join them to drink rice wine; being welcomed by children with very enthusiastic cheers of "hello!", whenever we drove through a village; and spending time in remote areas of captivating scenery. This really is the best way to get off the tourist trail and see the 'real' Vietnam. Thank you so much to Nam and Duong for an unforgettable experience!

Christina Eagle

Just finished a 3 day tour from Dalat to Nha Trang with Quy and Lan. We had an amazing time! We saw many sites including waterfalls, pagodas and various factories, all of which were well described by our knowledgable drivers. The whole ride was easy and relaxing for us and we could enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside. We ate in local Vietnamese restaurants where the food was fantastic and the people were lovely. Quy and Lan were very safe drivers who looked after us and made us laugh the whole way. We would recommend this tour to anyone who wants to experience the real Vietnam, this is the best choice we've made since arriving here and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Alice and Leila

Zuerst haben wir eine Tagestour rund um Dalat gemacht, eine sehr schöne und intersessante Fahrt. Mr.Phuc (Thomi und Nguyen Ngoc Sang haben sehr gut zu uns geschaut. Am nächsten Tag sind wir in 4 Tagen nach Mui ne gefahren. Es gibt nichts schöneres zwei super Fahrer die wissen von was sie erzählen, aufmerksam und zuvorkommend sind. Wir können die 2 nur weiterempfehlen. Das Essen, die Unterkünfte waren einwandfrei, obwohl wir zuerst nur drei Tage buchten und uns am Ersten Abend unterwegs entschieden einen Tag mehr zu machen, haben sie es sofort Organisiert und alles klappte bestens. Nochmals ein herzliches danke für alles, wir wünschen Euch weiterhin viele schöne und Unfallfreie Fahrten. Bruno Und Astrid Staub

Staub Bruno und Astrid

My wife and me were three days on the road with the easy riders Mr. Young and his friend Bang. They showed us a lot of the culture in the highlands of Vietnam you would never find on your own. Their driving is really save and they always take care on you where ever you are. The English they speak is very well and they told us a lot of interesting things about Vietnam for example how the local people live, things that happend in the war or how they grow the weasel coffee. We are really happy about doing the trips with them and we can absolutely recommend them. Many thanks to Mr. Young and his friend Bang again. Jessica & Manuel

Manuel & Jessica Kaumeier

In Dalat I first got some informations about the travelling on a motorbike at the Easy Rider Café. From a two days trip in the begining I ended up travelling together with Mr. Young (Nho'n) four days from Dalat to Saigon. It was a amazing Trip and experience discovering Vietnam away from the "beaten Tracks". Young showed, introduced and teached me many interesting things on his country. I got real impressions of how people live and work. My head and heart is full of unforgettable "pictures" of that intense Journey! Although I sat on the back of a motorbike for the first time I felt comfortable and save at any time. I want to thank Young for taking care of me and allowing me to get to know Vietnam better and in a wonderful way. I can only recommend explore the country with Young from Dalat Easy Rider and I would do it again.

Ms. Lynn Althaus

We just finished our 4 day trip from Dalat trough the central hihglands ending up in Saigon. We had the most wonderdull time with Mr Nam and Mr Joseph. Two great men who have told us so much about the country, the nature, the history and the people! The know so much and are willing to answer all your questions! They organised the trip very well and we felt very safe during all the time! We had the greatest experience of our trip with them and will always remember this! We would recommand talking the trip with mr Nam and me Joseph to everybody!! You only see the real Vietnam this way! Thank you so much!

isanne and Me Jasper